
Abbreviations are a shortened form of a written word or phrase.  It is used in place of the whole word or phrase.

How does Abbreviations Assist?

Also, Abbreviations are below to assist to describe industrial process controls with flow, temperature, pressure and level.

Below is a List of Common Abbreviations and Terms

ACSAttestation de Conformité Sanitaire
AFSAmerican Foundrymen’s Society
AGAAmerican Gas Association
AISIAmerican Iron and Steel Institut
ANSIAmerican National Standards Institute
APIAmerican Petroleum Institute
ASAAmerican Standard Association
ASMEAmerican Society of Mechanical Engineers
ASTMAmerican Society for Testing and Materials
AWWAAmerican Water Works Association
BBBolted Bonnet
BCBolted Cap
BCDBolt Circle Diameter
BCFBead and Crevice Free
BFVButterfly Valve
BHNBrinell Hardness Number
BSBritish Standard
BSIBritish Standards Institution
BSPBritish Standard Pipe
BSPPBritish Standard Pipe Parallel
BSPTBritish Standard Taper Pipe Thread
BVBall Valve
BWButt Weld
BWEButt Weld End
CDACopper Development Association
CICast Iron
CSACanadian Standards Association
CVCheck Valve
CWCounter Weight
CWPCold Working Pressure
CxCCooper to Cooper
DACDouble Acting Cylinders
DDDouble Disc
DEFDouble Emboitement Mâle
DGDouble Disc Gate
DIDuctile Iron
DINDeutsches Institute fuer Normung
DMVDistribution main valve
DNNominal Diameter
DWVDrainage:: Waste:: Vent Fitting
ECVEmergency Control Valve
ESDEmergency Shut Down
FEFlanged End
FFFlat Face
FIVFormation Isolation Valves
FMFactory Mutual Laboratories
FOBFree On Board
FWFlexible Wedge
GLPLiquid Gas of Petroleum
GOSTGosstandart of Russia
GVGate Valve
HBBrinell Hardness
HBCRockwell C Hardness
HFHard Faced
HWHand wheel
IBBMIron Body Bronze Mounted
IDInside Diameter
IPSIron Pipe Size
ISAInstrument Society of America
ISNRSInside Screw Non-Rising Stem
ISOInternational Organization for Standardization
ISRSInside Screw Rising Stem
JISJapanese Industrial Standard
MIVMain Inlet Valve
MJMechanical Joint
MSSManufacturers Standardization Society
MTRMaterial Test Report
NCNormally closed
NEMANational Electrical Manufacturers Association
NPSNominal Pipe Size
NPTNational Pipe Taper (Pipe Thread)
NRSNon-Rising Stem
ODOutside Diameter
OS&SOutside Screw and Yoke
OWGWorking Pressure: Oil, Water, Gas
QOQuick opening
PCDPitch Circle Diameter
PIVPost indicator valve
PNNominal Pressure (metric)
P-TPressure – Temperature
PRVPressure Reducing Valve
PVFPipes: Valves and Fittings
RcRockwell “C”
RFRaised Face
RJRing Type Joint
RSRising Stem
RWDResilient Wedge Disc
SACSimple Acting Cylinder
SESilver Brazed
SEScrewed Ends
SESolder End
SGSolid Gate
SIVService isolation valve
SJSolder Joint
SOVShut Off Valve
SPWSpiral Wound gasket
SSStainless Steel
SWSolid Wedge Disc
SWESocket Weld End
SWPSteam Working Pressure
TBThreaded Bonnet
TEThreaded End
TCThreaded Cap
TORTout Ou Rien
UBUnion Bonnet
UCUnion Cap
ULUnderwriter’s Laboratories
WVWater valve
WOGWorking Pressure: Water, Oil, Gas
WSPSteam Working Pressure
WWPWater Working Pressure

In addition, for a list of Certification and Standards

Where did they come from?

The use of abbreviations dates back to ancient times when individuals sought to communicate more efficiently.  Throughout history, abbreviations have evolved and become an integral part of various languages and sectors. Let’s explore the history of abbreviations in more detail.

Ancient Civilizations

Ancient civilizations, such as the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, utilized abbreviations to conserve space on papyrus scrolls and other writing surfaces.  They often employed a system of symbols known as sigla, where several letters were combined to represent longer words or phrases.  These sigla were commonly used in legal, religious, and administrative texts.

Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, the rise of Christianity and the spread of Latin as a common language significantly influenced the use of abbreviations.  Monks and scribes of that time used a variety of abbreviations in religious texts, manuscripts, and official documents.  Latin, such as “etc.” (et cetera) and “i.e.” (id Est), originated during this period.

15th Century

With the advent of printing technology in the 15th century, abbreviations became even more prevalent. Printers used various words to save space and reduce printing costs.  They employed symbols like the ampersand (&), which represented the Latin word “et” (and), and the pilcrow (¶), which indicated a new paragraph.

Renaissance Time

During the Renaissance, scholars and intellectuals continued to contribute to the development of them.  They implemented a system called “Tironian notes,” named after the ancient Roman secretary Marcus Tullius Tiro, who was known for inventing a shorthand system.  Tironian notes consisted of complex symbols that represented entire words or phrases, making it easier for scribes to transcribe and discuss ideas.

19th Century

In the 19th century, as telegraphy became a popular means of long-distance communication, they played a crucial role in transmitting messages rapidly and cost-effectively.  The telegraph operators used abbreviations and acronyms to save valuable transmission time and reduce costs based on the standard word count.

20th Century

In the early 20th century, one of the most significant advancements in communication technology occurred with the invention of the typewriter.  This device improved the speed and ease of writing documents, reinforcing the use of them. Industries like business, government, and journalism embraced this trend as a way to streamline their written communication.


As technology continued to advance, the introduction of computers, the internet, and mobile devices revolutionized communication once again.  Abbreviations, acronyms, and initialisms became prevalent in digital communication platforms such as emails, text messages, and online chats.  This was propelled further with the rise of social media and its character limit imposed by platforms like Twitter.

Specific sectors have their own set of abbreviations. In the medical field, for instance, abbreviations like “CPR” (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) and “MRI” (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) are commonly used. Similarly, the tech industry employs abbreviations like “BIOS” (Basic Input/Output System) and “HTML” (Hypertext Markup Language).


It is worth mentioning that the ongoing development of language and the introduction of new words and phrases continue to shape the use of abbreviations.  The popularity of instant messaging platforms and texting has led to the emergence of shorthand abbreviations and acronyms.   Shorthanded such as “LOL” (Laugh Out Loud), “OMG” (Oh My God), and “TTYL” (Talk to You Later).

In conclusion, abbreviations have a long and diverse history, evolving alongside advancements in writing systems, printing, telecommunication, and digital technology.  They have provided a means to communicate more efficiently, save time, and adapt to the limitations of different communication mediums.  As language continues to evolve, it is likely that they will remain an essential part of our written and digital communication.